Saturday, December 31, 2011

Coupon Plan for 1-1-12

Here is my coupon plan for tomorrow morning.

Walgreens –
     Transaction #1
            Buy 2 Children’s Tylenol Cold a@ $5.00 (if included in sale)
            Total = $10.00
            Pay $8.00
            Get back $5.00 Register Rewards

     Transaction #2
            Buy 4 boxes Cheerios a@ $2.50
            Total =$10.00
            Use 2 $1/2 coupon found in the 12/11 SS
            Use $5 Register Rewards from transaction #1
            Pay $3.00
            Get back $3.00 Register Rewards.

Leave the store with 2 bottles of Children’s Tylenol Cold and 4 boxes of Cheerios.  Total cost $8.00.

     Transaction #1
            Buy 4 Pantene Shampoos @ $3.33
            Buy 4 Pantene Conditioners @ $3.33
            Buy 1 Pantene Hairspray @ $3.33
            Buy 3 Dawn with Olay Hand Renewal @ $.99
            Buy 4 Nivea Lip Care @ $2.50
            Buy 1 Always Infinity pads @ $3.99
            Total = $ 46.93
            Use 4 $3.00/2 Pantene products from PG 1/1
            Use 3 $0.50/1 Dawn with Olay Hand Renewal from PG 1/1
            Use 2  $3.00/2 Nivea Lip Care Products from RP 1/1
            Use 1 $2/1 Always form PG 1/1
            Use $5.00 off $25 on CVS Extra Care card
            Pay $20.48
            Get back $10.00 CVS Cash Card and $5.00 Extra Bucks

Leave the store with 4 bottles of Pantene shampoo, 4 bottles of Pantene conditioner, 1 bottle of Pantene Hairspray, 3 bottles of Dawn, 4 Nivea Lip balms, and 1 package of Always Infinity pads.  Total cost $5.48!!  WhooHoo!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Health & Fitness Goals for 2012

Yesterday, I took a couple hours to sit down and write out my goals for 2012.  I won’t bore you with all my goals but here are a couple I will be blogging about in January. 

  1. To exercise at least 30 minutes per day.  5 days per week throughout the year.
  2. To develop the healthy habit of drinking at least 64 ounces of water per day by January 31st.

If you have downloaded the 2012 Get It Together, Already Organizer/Cleaning Schedule you will have noticed the Health/Fitness Checklist down in the bottom left hand corner.  I have included check boxes for every 8 ounces of water you drink per day.  You will also find and area to record how many minutes of cardio work you put in and/or how many sets and reps of strength training you did that day.

Also in this area, are check boxes for how many serving of fruits and veggies you eat each day.  I will be discussing this later in the year.

I hope you find this new area helpful,

Daily Bible Study/Quiet Time

An item you will find on the Daily Check List of the Get It Together, Already Organizer/Cleaning Schedule is Bible Study/Quiet Time.  As the year goes along I will recommend various books, websites & ideas I find helpful in my spiritual journey. 

The first of these recommendations is this:

 I picked this up at the beginning of last year and have found it a wonderful resource to my daily study of God’s word.

I hope you find it helpful as well,


Scrapbooking is one of my favorite hobbies.  In this section of the blog you will find examples of my scrapbooking endeavors as well as great ideas from others.  The first day on the Get It Together, Already Organizer/Cleaning Schedule with scheduled craft/hobby time is Wednesday the 4th.  Check back then to see what comes up.



Last year I started couponing.  I have found it a great way to reduce the amount I spend each week on products my family uses and stock up on emergency supplies.  I also have to say; when you haven’t planned for dinner (that happens to me sometimes – ok, a lot) it is wonderful to go shopping in the basement.  I hope to post coupon shopping lists and great scores here as well as links to fabulous couponing sites.


Emergency Preparedness

It seems that everyday as I watch the daily news and find more and more reasons to prepare for an emergency.  So this little section of the blog will be devoted to emergency preparedness.  A way to calm those worries about what the future could hold.  If my family is prepared all will be well.

If you feel the need to make this an area of your life you need to make serene as well, check back for activities and ideas to accomplish those goals.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year, New Organizer

Update - Links removed 12-30-12.

It’s here!  The Clean House Calendar has been up dated and received a new name for 2012.  The new and improved calendar is now the Get It Together, Already Organizer/Cleaning Schedule.  And it looks like this:

It is currently available for January – June 2012 in 8 ½ by 11 format.  If you would like a copy you can download it here.

Keep an eye out for July – December 2012 and other formats coming soon.

Also starting January 1st and running through the 31st the Get It together, Already blog will be the site for a 31 Day Organizational Challenge for its readers.  We will be cleaning & organizing many areas that are not specifically listed on the Cleaning Schedule. 

I can’t wait to get started,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September Fireplace

The fall cleaning schedule had the great room listed as the room to clean and organize last week.  I got in and worked hard on Tuesday to get that room clean.  Mine is rather large, encompassing 2 halls, the entry area, the formal dinning room, the living room, and the breakfast area.  The ceiling has several different heights, 9 ft, 10 ft and 12 ft.  There are a total of 12 windows and all the floors are hardwood.  By the end of the day my right arm and lower back were terribly sore but my great room was sparkling!

I work from the top to the bottom of a room.  So, for most of the room, my swiffer duster works well to reach all the ceiling corners but when I come to the entry area and the 12 ft ceilings not so much.  In the past I have gotten a ladder inched my way around the entry but I wanted to work faster this time so I created a new tool.  I taped a feather duster to the end of an old swiffer sweeper and taa daa . . . a very long duster!

With this, I was able to reach the 12 ft ceiling without a ladder.  It was helpful with the 10 ft ceilings as well.  No more tippy toes.  Woo Hoo!  And at the end of the day I ripped off the tape and it can all be used for what it was originally designed for.

But, I digress,  My New Favorite Tool is not the title of this blog entry September Fireplace is.  Decorating
my fireplace mantle is something I really struggle with.  I do OK with it at Halloween and Christmas but the rest of the year it looks rather odd or its completely bare.  Here is what it has looked like all summer.

I don't know what to do with the TV up there.  I like the TV in that location and we used it every day so I don't want to cover it up in any way but how do I decorate around it?   

I came across this school subway art before school started.

Thanks, Melissa.  You should defiantly check out her blog here.

I have used subway art before up there so I thought I would try that again.  But one lone piece of subway art was gonna look kinda odd so what else could I do?  And then I remembered.  My cousin Cathy and her family visited this summer and while she was here she ask if I still had that old school slate with the handle.  She said she had looked and looked for one but had never seen another one like it.  Hmm... I could create a display on my mantle with all my old school antiques for the month of September and then do Halloween stuff for October and so on and so forth.  I haven't found a place in our new home to put all that stuff and it was just wasting away in a box in the basement.  I should get it out and at least display it one month out of the year.  So here it is my September Fireplace.

I made the banner,  Its not much, but if you like it you can get it here.

Have a great evening, B.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Laundry Room Update

I know it’s been a while since my last post.  I’ve been having lots of summer fun and avoiding the Fall Cleaning Cycle.  But my dd is back in school and it’s time to get back in the groove.  Last time I shared pictures of my disaster of a laundry room.  I did get that room cleaned & organized so I wanted to post some “After” photos.

We have lived in this house for almost 5 years now and although I had a nice sink in the laundry room I didn’t have soap and a towel to use it.  I managed to get those items in the room and we are all enjoying having another place to wash & dry our hands.

Although the linen closet, coat closet and media closet have been on the schedule the past few weeks I haven’t gotten to them yet.  I hope to catch up over the next few weeks.  I will post photos as I get to them.  As for this week, the Great Room is on schedule.  I should get that cleaned tomorrow and hopefully finish adding some new décor items by the end of the week.  Look for photos then.

Have a great day, B.

On the Serene Front . . .

Several years ago I was a Mary Kay consultant and the directors would often tell us, “Get your priorities straight.  God first, family second and career third.”  So I think that is where I need to start.  God first.  One of my yearly goals is to read the Bible daily and to read through the Bible in a year.  I have yet to achieve this goal, but it’s still a good goal.  At the end of last year in preparation for this goal I purchased “The Daily Bible.”  I really like this Bible, although, again I wasn’t able to achieve my goal.  I managed to read through to May 7th before summer vacation started and all was lost.  But this is where I’m starting in order to make my life serene.  Yesterday, I began again with my daily Bible reading.  Instead of picking up where I left off on May 7th and trying to catch up I gave myself a break and started on August 28th.  I know my life will be more serene by spending time with God each day.  If you aren’t in God’s word daily then I encourage you to start.  It doesn’t matter where you start.  Just that you start.  And if you would like to read along with me then pick up a copy of this:

And start on today’s date.

Blessing, B.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Ok, so when I last posted on August 2nd, my Lean Goal of the Week was to drink 3 bottles of water a day.  Unfortunately I didn't follow through.  So today I'm restarting.  My Lean Goal of the Week is to drink at lest 3 bottles of water a day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lean Goal of the Week

Ok, so I've got a pretty good start on what I need to do to get my home clean.  Now, what am I going to do to get my body lean?  This is a little (a lot) harder because I don't enjoy dieting & exercise. LOL  Who does?  Anyway, let's focus, here.  I think I need to start with easy goals that I can work into my lifestyle.  So this week's Lean Goal of the Week is ...drum roll, please ... Drinking at least 60 ounces of water a day.  TaaDaa

I know the recommendation is to drink 8 glasses (or 64 ounces) of water a day but I don't like the taste of our local tap water so I have to buy bottled water.  So I buy this...

... and it come in 20 ounce bottles.  So if I drink 3 of these a day combined with what I drink when I take my meds I should get the 64 ounces I need each day.

Now I'm off to get a bottle of water and get started on that Laundry Room.

Have a great day,  B.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fall Cleaning Cycle Starts this WeeK

Can you believe its August already?  Can you believe how hot it is?  This is the forecast for southwest Missouri this week! 

Notice how the graphic doesn’t have enough space for 3 digits?  One day’s high temperature just blends right in with the next.  It is so weird for southwest MO to have a whole week of hundred degree temperatures.

Anyway, enough talk about the weather.  Have you noticed the calendar?  This week starts the Fall Cleaning Cycle.  Ok, call me crazy, but I’m kinda excited.  Tomorrow’s Task List says, “Clean & organize laundry room.”

Here are some “Before” shots of my laundry room (hanging my head in shame.)  

Now I should say that my laundry room is usually a little bit better than this.  My daughter and I dumped all that stuff on top of the washer and dryer this morning right before we walked out the door and I haven’t done my Morning Pick-up yet today.  But, even with that, it still needs some work. 

My daughter has theater camp all week so I’m kinda on my regular schedule.  I better go get to it.

Have a great day, B.

The Clean House Calendar

Update - Links removed 12-30-12.

The first step on my journey is to have a planner with a Daily Task List.  This is the one I created for myself.  You are welcome to download it and use it for yourself if you would like.

There are two sizes.  The first one fits in an 8 1/2 x 11 binder.  You can print one day per sheet and have space to write on the back or print front to back.

You can get the full page version here:

The second one fits in a 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 binder.  It is designed to print front to back but you could print 2 days per page and leave the back blank.  However, you will need to watch as you put your planner together because the pages wil not print off in order.

You can get the half page version here:

Finally, I created this a while ago so it has pages for all of 2011.  You probably will only want to print those pages pertaining to August thru December.

Have a great day, B.


Hey all,  Welcome to Get it Together,Already!  This blog documents my own little journey to getting my home clean, my body lean and my life serene.  You're welcome just observe or join in.  So let's get started!