Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Photo A Day

Yesterday morning I was thinking about all the things I wanted to accomplish in the New Year and I realized I had a word for the New Year, 'Do.'  Instead of thinking, dreaming, talking about what I want to do, I'm gonna DO it.  Instead of spending my time surfing or watching, I'm gonna spend my time DOING.  That basement that I keep talking about cleaning out is going to be cleaned out. That photo wall that I keep dreaming about is going to be installed.  Those craft projects and recipes I keep pinning are going to be created.  And, that TV I keep watching is going to be turned off. 

One of those projects that I have been thinking about is a Photo-A-Day album, where you document your day to day life.  A couple of summers ago I tried to do something like this.  I got most of the photos taken but as of today they are still not scrapped.  Then this past December I tried a December Daily album.  It's almost finished.  I found I had a hard time finding something to take a photo of every day.  Granted most days we had somthing going on and easily photographed but the few days we didn't were hard.  So I decided to make myself a list of things to photograph during January.  I've pinned several of these but none of them worked for my life so I made my own. 


If you would like a copy for yourself you can download it HERE. 

If you are looking for a Clean House Calendar check the Clean House Calendar Blog.

Have a great day,

January 2014 Clean house Calendar

Happy New Year!  Wow, where did 2013 go? 

I want to start the year off with an apology,  I have been having issues with the software that I use to create The Clean House Calendar and did not get it finished.  I was able to get January 2014 finished before I started having problems which I have for you as a free download HERE

I will post throughout the month over at The Clean House Calendar Blog about where I am as far as finishing and will have the 2014 Clean House Calendar up on Etsy ASAP.

Thanks so much for your patience,