Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Lean Goal of the Week

Ok, so I've got a pretty good start on what I need to do to get my home clean.  Now, what am I going to do to get my body lean?  This is a little (a lot) harder because I don't enjoy dieting & exercise. LOL  Who does?  Anyway, let's focus, here.  I think I need to start with easy goals that I can work into my lifestyle.  So this week's Lean Goal of the Week is ...drum roll, please ... Drinking at least 60 ounces of water a day.  TaaDaa

I know the recommendation is to drink 8 glasses (or 64 ounces) of water a day but I don't like the taste of our local tap water so I have to buy bottled water.  So I buy this...

... and it come in 20 ounce bottles.  So if I drink 3 of these a day combined with what I drink when I take my meds I should get the 64 ounces I need each day.

Now I'm off to get a bottle of water and get started on that Laundry Room.

Have a great day,  B.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Fall Cleaning Cycle Starts this WeeK

Can you believe its August already?  Can you believe how hot it is?  This is the forecast for southwest Missouri this week! 

Notice how the graphic doesn’t have enough space for 3 digits?  One day’s high temperature just blends right in with the next.  It is so weird for southwest MO to have a whole week of hundred degree temperatures.

Anyway, enough talk about the weather.  Have you noticed the calendar?  This week starts the Fall Cleaning Cycle.  Ok, call me crazy, but I’m kinda excited.  Tomorrow’s Task List says, “Clean & organize laundry room.”

Here are some “Before” shots of my laundry room (hanging my head in shame.)  

Now I should say that my laundry room is usually a little bit better than this.  My daughter and I dumped all that stuff on top of the washer and dryer this morning right before we walked out the door and I haven’t done my Morning Pick-up yet today.  But, even with that, it still needs some work. 

My daughter has theater camp all week so I’m kinda on my regular schedule.  I better go get to it.

Have a great day, B.

The Clean House Calendar

Update - Links removed 12-30-12.

The first step on my journey is to have a planner with a Daily Task List.  This is the one I created for myself.  You are welcome to download it and use it for yourself if you would like.

There are two sizes.  The first one fits in an 8 1/2 x 11 binder.  You can print one day per sheet and have space to write on the back or print front to back.

You can get the full page version here:

The second one fits in a 5 1/2 x 8 1/2 binder.  It is designed to print front to back but you could print 2 days per page and leave the back blank.  However, you will need to watch as you put your planner together because the pages wil not print off in order.

You can get the half page version here:

Finally, I created this a while ago so it has pages for all of 2011.  You probably will only want to print those pages pertaining to August thru December.

Have a great day, B.


Hey all,  Welcome to Get it Together,Already!  This blog documents my own little journey to getting my home clean, my body lean and my life serene.  You're welcome just observe or join in.  So let's get started!