Thursday, January 12, 2012

31 Day Organizational Challenge – Day 12

Today's challenge is to clean out the junk drawer.  Mine wasn't in too bad of shape.  Here is the before photo:

I took everything out, wiped out the drawer, cleaned out and organized the drawer organizer & the take out menu organizer, and put almost everything back in it's original spot.  I was able to find a location for the push pins in the drawer organizer so I was able to get rid of the box for that and I relocated the mouse.  We don't need him in the kitchen any longer.

Here is the after photo:

I realize there isn't much difference but I needed an easy day.

31 Day Organizational Challenge – Challenge List
  1. Take down, organize and put away all of the holiday decorations.
  2. Make your 2012 financial file folders and store your 2011 financial files.
  3. Clean/Organize the surface of your crafting area.  
  4. Gather, download, print & organize your photos from last month.
  5. Make a menu plan for the month of January.
  6. Start cleaning out the email account(s).
  7. Finish cleaning out the email account(s).
  8. Clip and organize coupons.
  9. Clean & organize the computer desktop.
  10. Catch- up day.
  11. Clean & organize a portion of your craft supplies.
  12. Clean & organize the junk drawer.

I hope you have an easy day as well,

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