Monday, January 16, 2012

31 Day Organizational Challenge – Day 16

Today's challenge is to clean and organize one of those kitchen drawers you purchased organizational supplies for over the weekend.

Check back later to see pics of mine.

31 Day Organizational Challenge – Challenge List
  1. Take down, organize and put away all of the holiday decorations.
  2. Make your 2012 financial file folders and store your 2011 financial files.
  3. Clean/Organize the surface of your crafting area.  
  4. Gather, download, print & organize your photos from last month.
  5. Make a menu plan for the month of January.
  6. Start cleaning out the email account(s).
  7. Finish cleaning out the email account(s).
  8. Clip and organize coupons.
  9. Clean & organize the computer desktop.
  10. Catch- up day.
  11. Clean & organize a portion of your craft supplies.
  12. Clean & organize the junk drawer. 
  13. Oops day.
  14. Determine any organizational supplies needed for the linen closet and get them.
  15. Determine any organizational supplied needed for the kitchen drawers and purchase them.
  16. Clean and organize one of the kitchen drawers you purchased supplies for yesterday.

Ok it’s confession time.  Today for the 31 Day Organizational Challenge I cleaned and organized our candy drawer she says in a whispered voice.  I have purchased candy for various events over the last few months and we haven’t eaten it all.  And so since most candy doesn’t go bad very quickly I have just stuck what we had left in baggies and shoved it in a drawer.  Thus, was born, the candy drawer.

I forgot to take a before picture so imagine this and more all packed in baggies and thrown in a drawer.

At this point I have sorted the candy and thrown out anything old or that we won’t eat.  I also had a lot of candy that wasn’t wrapped so I divided it into serving sizes in snack baggies.  Easy to grab and put in a lunch box for dessert.

Then I went shopping for my organizers.  I went specifically for drawer organizers but found they were way expensive.  It was going to cost me about $50 for one drawer!  Yikes!!!  So I decided to go with Ziplock storage containers.  I chose medium size rectangles and divided rectangles.  I ended up paying about $12.  Still pricey, but doable.  Here is what I ended up with.

Hopefully, now, when we want something sweet we will be able to find it.  Who knows maybe it will even turn into a healthy snack drawer like I see on other blogs.  Yeah, you’re right … get real, already!

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